“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

– Buddha

The Progression | Rehab Coaching

Fill Out Our Intake Form – $95 for Full Evaluation

FAQs | Rehab Coaching

We can see almost any adult over the age of 18 years old who is not post-surgery. After first filling out the injury intake form on the website or here, we will notify you if you will be a good fit for our services. We want you to have the best experience with us, so we first want to make 100% sure that we can help you in your unique situation. Here are some examples of common issues we can help coach through:

  • Sports-related musculoskeletal injuries (not post-op)
  • Work-related or labor intensive musculoskeletal injuries
  • Chronic Low Back Pain (pain longer than 3+ months or is episodic)
  • Neck Pain
  • Headaches
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Hip Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Knee Arthritis
  • Ankle Pain
  • Achilles Tendinopathy
  • Knee Meniscus


After reviewing your intake form in order to check your medical history, you will be contacted by email to schedule your rehab evaluation. You will first receive a 60-minute, one-on-one evaluation through an online video platform for a thorough assessment of your injury. You will also begin an exercise plan in tandem with further consulting in order to improve your injury’s symptoms. Your personalized exercise plan will come with pictures or video explanations on how to correctly perform each exercise, along with exercise parameters (reps, sets, time, etc.).

Short form:

  1. Medical History Check
  2. 60-min Zoom 1-on-1 Injury Assessment
  3. Personalized Exercise Plan
  4. Consulting about pain relief/daily life modifications
  5. Further Rehab Recommendations

Your evaluation will be 60 minutes plus a little more time, if needed. If you decide to continue with subsequent sessions, then these sessions will also be 45-60 minutes.

At this time, we unfortunately do not take health insurance. We have made our services affordable and fair compared to other similar rehabilitation companies in order to serve a broader community. Please see our prices and rehab coaching plans!

After you have agreed on a scheduled evaluation date/time with your coach, please prepare the session with the following:

  1. Use a desktop, smart phone, laptop or tablet with the Zoom app. Download or sign-in here for free.
  2. Plenty of space to move and stay safe, and to have a visual on your ENTIRE body.
  3. Stable chair or couch at the ready.
  4. Yoga mat, couch or floor to comfortably lay down on.
  5. Please wear comfortable work-out clothes.
  6. Anything else that your rehab coach may suggest!

Not only are we doctors of physical therapy with many years of experience working in orthopedics, but we also believe that rehab should be accessible and affordable for everyone! Dr. Schuck uses evidence-based research in order to treat common musculoskeletal injuries, which means that she is using the latest rehab methods that have the best efficacy and safety – this requires diligent and constant research!

Other benefits that you will see compared to other standard routes are:

  • 1-on-1 treatment time 100% of the time | Work with 1 provider and not multiple.
  • Personalized exercise plans | Get home programs for YOU, not for you & your neighbor…
  • Save time working with us | You don’t need to travel far to see us.
  • Rehab from home | You don’t need expensive equipment to rehab an injury, so you can use these methods forever!
  • Flexible scheduling | No need to schedule sessions multiple times per week like the standard clinic would. We’re not only open during the week but also Saturdays!

Prices | Rehab Coaching

Available one-time evaluation or package plans:

One-time Evaluation (60 Min.)$95:-
5 Visit Plan (Includes Evaluation in Visit #1)* $445:- ($30 savings)
8 Visit Plan (Includes Evaluation in Visit #1)**$680:- ($80 savings)
*Must be completed within 4 months
**Must be completed within 6 months

Intake Form | Rehab Coaching

You can submit the entire medical intake form below and will receive an email with in 12-24 hours in order to schedule your evaluation.